Жужу предлагает вам хорошие советские пластинки.
Zhuzhu suggests to you nice soviet vinyls and shellacs.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Марийские народные плясовые мелодии (баян, волынка, барабан)

Марийские народные плясовые мелодии
(баян, волынка, барабан)

Mari folk dance tunes 
(bayan, bagpipes, drum)

1971, Мелодия Д-31117 (10'')

Z a g r u z k a


Miguel said...
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Miguel said...

for the lovely
Mari Music
I hope there is
More to come...

Mi :)

beetor said...

Just found this one. I'm fascinated by the few bagpipe tracks - do you have any other albums with bagpipes? I didn't know the bagpipe was a traditional instrument in Russia. Many thanks!