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Monday, September 8, 2014

Песни Биржана

Бiржан сал Қожағұлұлынын әндерi
Жәнiбек Кәрменов – Қайрат Байбосынов

Песни Биржана
Поют Жанибек Карменов - Кайрат Байбосынов
Запись 1987, выпуск 1988. Мелодия С30-26759

Songs of Birzhan
Sung by Zhenibek Karmenov and Kairat Baybosynov
Recorded 1987, published 1988. Melodiya С30-26759


1 comment:

Paco's brother said...

Very nice blog I discover today, may we have the titles of the songs and their translation?
Thanks from France