Жужу предлагает вам хорошие советские пластинки.
Zhuzhu suggests to you nice soviet vinyls and shellacs.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Поёт Абульфат Алиев (Баяты Шираз и.тд.)

Əbülfǝt Əliyev
Поёт Абульфат Алиев
(Баяты Шираз, Сесла мэни, Дэшти, Дашлы гала)
Abulfat Aliyev sings

Мелодия С30-08925, 1977.



Tawfiq said...

Excellent! Thank you sooooooooooo much.

Miguel said...

listenig to Əliyev...
I jumped up to get the washing in...

well it was just crrrking vinyl,
no rain...

thanks :)

mietek said...

okay, first of all here is a cleaner sounding version:
second, why are "reactions" under your posts only in Russian? some of us over here had their last Russian lesson 20+ years ago...

Жужу said...

Well, thanks for the cleaned version. I wanted to re-rip this LP, but had no time, so .., maybe i ll try to make a new rip later. What about the comments, i really don't know how blogspot is dealing with language questions. I can try to make it in English, but i don't promise ...

shooby said...

re-up pretty please!