Жужу предлагает вам хорошие советские пластинки.
Zhuzhu suggests to you nice soviet vinyls and shellacs.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Калмыцкий героический эпос Джангар

Хальмг баатрльг дуулвр Җаңһр

Калмыцкий героический эпос Джангар
Записи 1908, 1939, 1970, 1982, 1987 гг. Выпуск 1987. M30-48675

Kalmyk heroic epos Jangar.
Recordings 1908, 1939, 1970, 1982, 1987. Published 1987. M30-48675

За грузкa - Down load


arvind said...

Spasibo, dear zhuzhu!

øשlqæda said...

ура zhuzhu + fam

bolingo69 said...

Great record! Is this an earlier record than 48663 from 1990 or are they the same. I think I got a copy earlier from you, I guess I'll find out as soon as it is downloaded, but the cover looks the same. Thank you very much! I love these records that would be absolutely out of my touch if it was not for you!

The previous one I have has these tracks, most likely that information comes from you as well! No?!


Side A
1. Ode about Khongor’s marriage (fragment). Eelyan Ovla (1857 – 1920), rec. 1908
2. Ode about the heroic deeds of Dogshin Khar Sanal, the son of Bulingir, the owner of the brave horse Bural Galzan (fragment). Tseren Aduchiev (b. 1918), rec. 1982
3. Ode about the victory of Ulan Shonshur against Dogshin Shara Giurgiu, the khan of Mangas (fragment). Ara Chovaev (1884 – 1959), rec. 1939

Side B
1. Ode about the fight of Kervin Kioviun Monkhul with the beautiful dappled horse, against enemy fighters (fragment). Dava Shavaliev (1879 - 1944) rec. 1939.
2. Ode about the fight of Kervin Kioviun Monkhul with the beautiful dappled horse, against enemy fighters (fragment). Nyamen Dzhukaev (b. 1923) rec. 1970
3. Ode about how Khongor stole a stud of dark brown short haired horses with coral-shining manes and pearl-like tails from Shar Kermen-Khan (fragment). Vladimir Karuev (b. 1957) rec. 1982

again thanks...

Жужу said...

No, it's exactly the same. One LP out of a 7LP box set. The other 6 LP's were spoken word in Russian and in Kalmyk.

With the exception of the Balman village and Ulyana Kot, all the other posts here have already appear in several forums. Some have been dead long ago. I collected them here in order to get a concise archive, then i ll go on with new material.