Жужу предлагает вам хорошие советские пластинки.
Zhuzhu suggests to you nice soviet vinyls and shellacs.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

У нас Оленька да цветочек

У нас Оленька да цветочек 
Свадебные песни Ленинградской области

Фольклорные ансамбли деревень Рудно и Загривье

Little Olga is our flower

Wedding songs of the Leningrad region

Folklore groups of the villages Rudno and Zagrivye

Мелодия С20-16721, 1981


1 comment:

bolingo69 said...

This blog is really cooking! I am so happy that finally these enourmous treasures come to light and I for one appreciate very much that it is bilingual! Thank you very much little doggies!
I am sure that Olya also also is (y)our flower ;-)